إذا لم تعلم أين تذهب فكل الطرق تفي بالغرض # يوجد دائماً من هو أشقى منك فابتسم# يظل الرجل طفلاً حتى تموت أمه فإذا ماتت شاخ فجأة# عندما تحب عدوك يحس بتفاهته #إذا طعنت من الخلف فاعلم أنك في المقدمة #الكلام اللين يغلب الحق البين #كلنا كالقمر .. له جانب مظلم #العين التي لا تبكي لا تبصر في الواقع شيئاً#الابتسامة كلمة معروف من غير حروف #إنك تخطو نحو الشيخوخة يوماً مقابل كل دقيقة من الغضب # كن صديقاً ولا تطمع أن يكون لك صديق#اللسان الطويل دلالة على اليد القصيرة # نحن نحب الماضي لأنه ذهب ولو عاد لكرهناه # من العظماء من يشعر المرء بحضرته أنه صغير ولكن العظيم بحق هو من يُشعر الجميع في حضرته بأنهم عظماء # كلما ارتفع الإنسان تكاثفت حوله الغيوم والمحن # لا تجادل الأحمق فقد يخطئ الناس في التفريق بينكما # الفشل في التخطيط يقود إلى التخطيط للفشل # شق طريقك بابتسامتك خير لك من أن تشقها بسيفك # من أطاع الواشي ضيَع الصديق # لا تستحي من إعطاء القليل فالحرمان اقل منه # لُمْ صديقك سراً ولكن مجّده أمام الآخرين # إذا ازداد حبنا تضاعف خوفنا من الإساءة إلى من نحب

Friday, February 8, 2013

diamond consciousness

when you look at the world through your physical eyes, you will see all the facets of our diversity: culture, race, personality, religion and so on.seeing only through your physical eyes, it is easy to become
stubborn and to try to prove yourself right.however where there is stubbornness there is no love.and trying to prove the self right is equally offensive.a diamond will sparkle even in the dust; you do not ever need to prove that you are right.in the face of the dangers that come from seeing only with the physical eyes,always think: now is the time to go beyond all divisions, beyond all that limits us and our sense of self. whatever the race, the religion, the class....our consciousness now has to go beyond all of that.

within your heart

there are different wells within your heart.some fill with each good rain,others are far too deep for that.in one well you have just a few precious cups of water, that “love” is literally something of yourself, it can grow as slow as a diamond if it is lost.your love should never be offered to the mouth of a stranger,only to someone who has the valor and daringto cut pieces of their soul off with a knifethen weave them into a blanketto protect you.there are different wells within us.some fill with each good rain,others are far, far too deep for that

Friday, January 18, 2013

memory of pain

It is the memory of pain, that keeps pain alive, if you can remember what brings joy instead, your pain would diminish.


When some things go wrong, take a moment to be thankful for the many more things that are still going right.
People will always throw stones in your path! What you do from it depends on you A Wall of difficulties or A Bridge of success.

Don,t worry

People change. Love hurts. Friends leave. Things go wrong. But just remember that life goes on.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


before  you  speak listen. before  you  write think. before  you  spend earn. before  you criticise wait. before  you  quit try have a  nice  weekend

in this word

in this world there are few people who are really special.they go around caring for others before themselves.they have a smile on their face and love in their hearts for everyone.they ask nothing in return.i see all of this and more in you
في هذا العالم هناك عدد قليل من الناس الذين هم حقا خاصا يذهبون حول الاهتمام بالآخرين قبل أنفسهم. لديهم ابتسامة على وجوههم والمحبة في قلوبهم للجميع يطلبون لا شيئا في المقابل أرى كل هذا وأكثر فيك

be inspired every day

for most of us, the greatest struggle we have with inspiration is its apparent lack of persistence. we have a vision that motivates us: to have a beautiful body, to maintain a strong relationship with god, to develop a skill or to be successful in some way.the vision keeps us motivated, sometimes for quite a while. then suddenly, we find ourselves wondering how we managed to go a month without working out, meditating or otherwise taking any action toward our goal.the problem is that we've become distracted.the day to day realities of the path leading to our vision have obstructed our view of that vision. when we think about working out, we no longer think about the beautiful body we are going to have, we instead think of the cumbersome drive to the gym and the limited amount of time we have to do what we want.because of these distractions, our vision can only sustain motivation for a finite amount of time.the solution is self-discipline.self
discipline is a scary word for some of us.this is because it is often misunderstood. self-discipline is not about forcing ourselves to do what we don't want to do.that type of discipline can only sustain us for a finite amount of time.and even worse, it often leads us to resent our own goals and visions.the self-discipline i’m referring to comes from having faith in ourselves.it’s remembering that we set a goal that once inspired us.it’s trusting that our inspiration was well-founded and that it will motivate us again once self-discipline gets things moving again.when motivation fails, don't kick yourself in the butt have faith in yourself instead

Failure Loss and Defeat

If one asks for success and prepares for failure,he will get the situation he has prepared for.The men who try to do something and fail are infinitely better than those who try to do nothing and succeed."If you want to increase your success rate, double your failure rate."Indecision and delays are the parents of failure."If you stop struggling, then you stop life."Everything that happens, happens as it should and if you observe carefully, you will find this to be so."The only real mistake is the one from which we learn nothing."In the hopes of reaching the moon men fail to see the flowers that blossom at their feet."Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death."There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure."Nothing is permanent in this world; not even our troubles."What is defeat Nothing but education;nothing but the first step to something better."There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve;The fear of failure."A man’s life is interesting primarily when he has failed; for it is a sign that he tried to surpass himself."Success is never ending, failure is never final."Failure isn't failing at the project at hand.Failure is giving up on yourself."Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure. "No man is ever whipped until he quits... in his own mind."One of the secrets of life is to make stepping stones out of stumbling blocks. "Act as if it were impossible to fail."The gem cannot be polished without friction,nor man perfected without trials."Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things."You don't drown by falling in the water; you drown by staying there."Once we realize that imperfect understanding is the human condition, there is no shame in being wrong, only in failing to correct our mistakes."Success and failure are equally disastrous."How you think when you lose determines how long it will be until you win."Stand up to your obstacles and do something about them. You will find that they haven't half the strength you think they have.~Norman Vincent Peale~"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all."Use the losses and failures of the past as a reason for action, not inaction."It's not the failure of others to appreciate your abilities that should trouble you, but rather your failure to appreciate theirs."Do not fear mistakes, there are none."I am not discouraged, because every wrong attempt discarded is a step forward

Priceless Things

Life holds so many priceless things .The falling rain--the wind that sings .Each star on a high--a big full moon.And sunbeams dancing in your room.The river as it rushes on.A sunset when day is gone.No wealth can buy a mountain tall.These priceless things belong to all.An autumn tree lends beauty rare.With leaves piled deep most everywhere.As nature wears a glowing smile.to make each day a day worthwhile.Could anything be quite as dear.As laughing children that we hear.The gift of friendship that is ours.The miracle of growing flowers.Each magic moment--treasured time.These priceless gifts are.yours and mine

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Be strong enough to at least try to make your life better

You must feel confident enough within yourself to follow your own dreams.You must be willing to make sacrifices.You must be capable of changing and rearranging your priorities. so that your final goal can be achieved.Sometimes, familiarity and comfort need to be challenged.There are times when you must take a few extra chances and create your own realities.Be strong enough to at least try to make your life better.Be confident enough that you won't settle for a compromise just to get by Appreciate yourself by allowing yourself the opportunities to grow, develop, and find your true sense of purpose in this life.Don't stand in someone else's shadow when it's your sunlight that should lead the way

Monday, September 3, 2012


Chamomile is an herb that comes from a flowering plant from the daisy family.  It is one of the oldest favorites amongst garden herbs and its reputation as a medicinal plant shows little signs of abatement. It has been used for centuries to cure a number of health problems.  Drinking it daily or often has many health benefits

Eco-Friendly Homes are In StyleEco-friendly and well designed

what more could anyone want from a home? Take a look at the "Sky Garden Home" via Architecture Style
House designed by Guz Architects

Breathtaking Melissani Cave in Greece

Melissani cave can be found on the east coast of the island of Kefalonia in Greece. It is located about 2 km from the town of Sami and 10 km from the town of Argostoli. The caves are surrounded by forests, while a mountain slope is located to the west. Below you will find a gallery of this magical place along with additional
information on the cave’s history as well as the best time to visit and what you can expect to see

Scotland's Incredible Garden

Scotland's Incredible Garden of Cosmic Speculation This incredible garden, known as The Garden of Cosmic Speculation, is not your everyday example of landscaping; instead it is based on mathematics and science mixed with nature and man-made lakes. Built in 1989, it has been called by some the most important garden in the 21st century. It is a private garden built by Charles Jencks and his late wife Maggie in Portrack House, Dumfries, Scotland. Its design was influenced by Chinese garden philosophy. One of its main features is long snaking curves and waves that both satisfied the couple's love for Chinese landscape painting and complemented the Scottish hills around them. Jencks makes use of one of the new scientific theories as well, the theory of complexity, which states that everything is "self organizing and harmonic

Saturday, April 14, 2012

friends are flowers planted

friends are flowers planted friends are flowers planted along our path so that we may find the spring throughout the year. when autumn arrives, full of beauty and melancholy, these friends are bringing us joy. and when winter comes cold and dark, bringing nostalgia and long nights, friends bring us warmth and light with the brightness of his presence. these beautiful flowers perfume our lives and
make us see we are not alone.if friends are flowers that last a year or aday makes no difference, because the important things are the marks they leave in our lives. hours are shared, hours of care, hours of love and care.
a friend who gives without expecting a return, who gives himself the pleasure of seeing the happiness of another is a flower that deserves special attention;
be a big and important that excites us just because they exist. it is someone who can reach our soul

Thursday, December 22, 2011


one of the little-known wonders of Huron county, turnip rock stands off the the rocky shores of lake huron, near michigan's thumbnail. this place is charming and unbelievably beautiful. the land around turnip rock is privately owned, so the only way to reach it is by boat


In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the MercifulPraise be to Allah, Who hath created the heavens and the earth, and hath appointed darkness and light. Yet those who disbelieve ascribe rivals unto their Lord. He it is Who hath created you from clay, and hath decreed a term for you. A term is fixed with Him. Yet still ye doubt! _ He is Allah in the heavens and in the earth. He knoweth both your secret and your utterance, and He knoweth what ye earn. _ Never came there unto them a revelation of the revelations of Allah but they did turn away from it. _ And they denied the truth when it came unto them. But there will come unto them the tidings of that which they used to deride._ See they not how many a generation We destroyed before them, whom We had established in the earth more firmly than We have established you, and We shed on them abundant showers from the sky, and made the rivers flow beneath them. Yet we destroyed them for their sins, and created after them another generation

villa colani

incredible residence villa colani:
this "villa colani" with 10,700 square-feet of living space behemoth of a house worth $28 million, is now my dream residence. it was designed by luigi colani (germany) and built in spain. it introduces beautiful views, gorgeous interior and exterior, spectacular location and many other amazing details you can find inside this post.this work of art is located in the nova santa ponsa area. staying in this villa, one can spend days and nights viewing breathtaking shore of the sea and the malgrats islands . there are many paintings by famous artists inside, more than 1,230 square feet of 24-carat gold, which weighed more than 60 pounds and is worth more than $1 million, 5 superb bedroom suites with jacuzzi baths, two pools, a security room, a 7-car garage and even offices. this place is a real dream


brisbane is the most populous city in the australian state of queensland and the third most populous city in australia.brisbane's metropolitan area has a population of over 2 million and constitutes the core of the south east queensland agglomeration, encompassing more than 3 million people.and is situated inside a bend of the Brisbane river approximately 23 kilometres from its mouth at moreton bay
بريسبان هي المدينة الأكثر اكتظاظا بالسكان في ولاية كوينزلاند الاسترالية، وثالث المدن الأكثر سكانا في أستراليا. منطقة بريسبان المتروبولية يبلغ عدد سكانها أكثر من 2 مليون نسمة ويشكل نواة لتكتل جنوب شرق كوينزلاند، التي تشمل أكثر من 3 ملايين شخص. وتقع داخل منحنى نهر بريسبان حوالي 23 كيلومترا من مصبه في خليج موريتون

Monday, March 7, 2011

Hoover Dam

It took five years to build but when completed in 1936, Hoover Dam was among the world's largest hydro-electric facilities. Today, it generates power for 1.3 million people. A massive 660 feet thick at its base, the reservoir can store two years of the Colorado River's average water flow
سد هوفر:لقد استغرق الأمر خمس سنوات لبناء ولكن عندما اكتمل في عام 1936 ، سد هوفر كان من بين أكبر المرافق في العالم لتوليد الكهرباء. اليوم، فإنه يولد الطاقة لنحو 1.3 مليون نسمة. ضخم سمكة 660 قدم عند قاعدته، ويمكن تخزين الخزان سنتين من تدفق نهر كولورادو المياه في المتوسط

Akashi Kaikyo Bridge

The Akashi Kaikyo bridge spans the 3,911 m stretch of the Akashi Straits, one of the busiest shipping channels in Japan.It was completed in 1998 and longest suspension bridge in the world
جسراكاشي كايكيو على امتداد 3911 متر من مضيق أكاشي ، واحدة من قنوات الشحن ازدحاما في اليابان. وقد أنجزت في عام 1998 ، وهو اطول جسر معلق في العالم

The Panama Canal

The length Panama Canal is 77 kilometres (48 mi) Pass ships from the Atlantic Ocean to the Pacific via the Panama Canal . and is a key conduit for international maritime trade. Built from 1904 to 1914, It has been named one of the seven modern wonders of the world by the American Society of Civil Engineers. The concept of a canal near Panama dates to the early 16th century. The first attempt to construct a canal began in 1880 under French leadership, but was abandoned after 21,900 workers died, largely from disease (particularly malaria and yellow fever) and landslides. The United States launched a second effort, incurring a further 5,600 deaths but succeeding in opening the canal in 1914. On August 1, 1902 America has bought the rights of the Panama Canal from the French, Underwent the Canal Zone to the United States of America under an agreement between the two countries started from the year 1978 and ended in 1999. Republic of Panama regained sovereignty over the canal after the United States Administration have 85 years. Going through the Panama Canal fourteen thousand ships per year
طول قناة بنما 77 كيلومترا (48 ميل) تمر السفن من المحيط الأطلسي إلى المحيط الهادئ عبر قناة بنما. وممرا رئيسيا للتجارة البحرية الدولية. بنيت 1904 حتي 1914، وقد عين واحدة من عجائب الدنيا السبع الحديثة في العالم من قبل الجمعية الأميركية للمهندسين المدنيين. مفهوم قناة بنما قرب إلى القرن 16 في وقت مبكر. وبدأت أول محاولة لبناء قناة في 1880 تحت قيادة فرنسية، ولكن تم التخلي عنه بعد 21900 منهم توفوا، إلى حد كبير من الأمراض (وبخاصة الملاريا والحمى الصفراء) والانهيارات الارضية. شنت الولايات المتحدة جهدا الثاني، تكبد مزيد من 5600 حالة وفاة ولكن النجاح في افتتاح القناة في عام 1914. في 1 أغسطس، 1902 اشترت أمريكا حقوق قناة بنما من الفرنسيين، خضعت منطقة القناة للولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بموجب اتفاق بين البلدين بدأت من عام 1978 وانتهت في 1999. استعادت جمهورية بنما سيادتها على القناة بعد إدارة الولايات المتحدة و85 عاما. تمر في قناة بنما أربعة عشر ألف سفينة في السنه

Thursday, March 3, 2011

The Itaipu Dam

The Itaipú Dam is the world's largest hydroelectric power plant and is a triumph of giant-scale engineering with 40,000 construction workers helping divert the world's seventh largest river. The installed generation capacity of the plant is 14 GW, with 20 generating units of 700 MW each. In 2000, it achieved its generating record of 93.4 billion kilowatt-hours (kWh), which supplied 93% of the energy consumed by Paraguay, and 20% of that has been consumed by Brazil as of 2005. he Itaipu Dam : is a hydroelectric dam on the Paraná River located on the border between Brazil and Paraguay. The name "Itaipu" was taken from an isle that existed near the construction site. The dam is the largest operating hydroelectric facility in terms
سد إيتايبو سد إيتايبو هو الأكبر في العالم من محطة للطاقة الكهرومائية، وانتصارا للهندسة العملاقة النطاق مع عمال البناء 40000 مساعدة تحويل نهر في العالم سابع أكبر. قدرة توليد الطاقة الكهربائية للمحطة هو 14 غيغاواط، مع 20 وحدة توليد 700 ميغاواط من كل. في عام 2000 ، حققت سجلها توليد مبلغ 93.4 مليار كيلوواط / ساعة (كيلوواط ساعة)، التي وفرت 93 ٪ من الطاقة التي يستهلكها باراغواي و 20 ٪ من التي تم استهلاكها من البرازيل اعتبارا من عام 2005. انه سد إيتايبو : هو سد على نهر بارانا تقع على الحدود بين البرازيل وباراغواي. اسم "إيتايبو" اتخذ من جزيرة التي كانت موجودة بالقرب من موقع البناء. السد هو أكبر منشأة تعمل في توليد الطاقة الكهرومائية